We support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals - the only children’s charity committed to having 100% of the funds raised stay local to support local kids.
Our Mission
Over 150,000 kids will be admitted to Children’s of Mississippi or its affiliated clinics this year, with an average of 410 admitted every day. That’s 410 kids thrown into chaos, 410 caregivers having to pause daily life for illness, 410 childhoods interrupted every day.
At our 12-hour dance marathon, we celebrate the strength of our kids who have seen the worst but given their best; we celebrate the parents who love and support their kids through the most difficult times; we celebrate the doctors and nurses who work every day to make a world without childhood illness a reality.
We are this generation fighting for the next, and we will keep dancing until every child at Children’s of Mississippi has the opportunity to be a kid again.
“When you join us in supporting the campaign for Children’s of Mississippi, you’ll be giving Mississippi’s sickest children new hope. There’s no better feeling than knowing you played a part in giving a child a chance to grow up.”
What We've Achieved
In 2024, rebelTHON raised a record-breaking total of $272,616.06.23!!!
Since our start in 2013, RebelTHON has raised $1,685,195.54 - all for Children’s of Mississippi Hospital. In the 11 years RebelTHON’s existence, our donations have supported the hospital’s AirCare Flight Team, upgrading patient and family areas, and the $180 million hospital renovations that will alter the state’s medical care for Mississippi children.
“This campaign will mean better outcomes for children, better research, and more doctors staying in Mississippi because they have the right facilities in which to practice. This campaign isn’t just for the children who need it today. It’s a campaign for future generations.”