Donor Drive 101
Welcome to Donor Drive! Here you will find some tips and tricks to help set up and personalize your fundraising page.
Still need to register? Click here!
Not participating, but want to donate? Click here!
Your Dashboard
Your dashboard allows you to access your personal fundraising page, and also the progress your team is making. Use the tools under “Your Fundraising” to edit your personal page, change your fundraising goal, switch teams, etc. You can also reach out to friends and family that might be interested in donating to RebelTHON. Your Dashboard allows you to track your personal fundraising statistics as well. The “Your Stats” section displays top donors to your fundraising efforts along with how your team compares to other teams.
Keeping Track of your Donations
On the top toolbar there is a “Donations” tab. You will need to use this tab to:
- To keep track of your Donations Received
- To add an Offline Donation, meaning you received a donation not on Donor Drive.
To use this tool simply fill in the required fields aligned with the Offline Donation form and it will be added to your total. If you would like to personally Make A Donation, use this tab to contribute. Make sure that after you have completed your task in both the Offline Donation and Make a Donation sections you click “Add Donation” to ensure that the amount is added to your fundraising total.
Personalize your Profile
First step: Make your profile more approachable! When your profile looks more personalized to your preferences, friends and family will feel more inclined to donate. Start by adding a photo. If you have participated in RebelTHON before, adding a photo from the event is a great way to personalize the page. If not, adding a photo of you smiling and happy serves just as good of a purpose. Adding an image is simple:
1. Go to “View Your Page” under the “Your Fundraising” section
2. Select the pencil at the bottom of the photo area
3. Select “Upload Profile Picture”
4. You can either upload from Facebook or choose one on your computer
Next, Personalize your “My Story” The “My Story” that your page is originally set to is effective but very impersonal. To edit your “My Story” go to your Dashboard and click on the “Edit Your Page” icon under the “Your Fundraising” section.
Some key points to make in your story are:
1. Who you are raising money for
2. Where the money is going
3. Why they should donate
4. Why you’re participating/what you’ll be doing
5. Thanking them for their donation
Share Your Page!
Now that you profile is finished, it’s time to share it! With a personal fundraising page, your friends and family know what you will be doing with RebelTHON and why you are doing it. Effectively sharing this page with your loved ones is important. Start by connecting your page to Facebook and Twitter
1. Click on the “View Your Page” link under the “Your Fundraising” section
2. In the top right hand side of your page, it says “Welcome, (name)”
3. Hover over it with your mouse to get the drop down box and select “Settings”
4. In the settings you can choose to connect with Facebook and Twitter
5. Then go back to your profile Share your Donor Drive page on Facebook, Twitter and anywhere else you can!
On the right hand side of Your Profile is the “Get the word out section.” This section allows you to share your Donor Drive page and also keep track of your funds. This button allows you to post your fundraising bar on any form of social media you choose.
1. Use the “Get the word out” to keep track of the people visiting your page
2. Click on the “Embed a Badge” button
3. Copy and paste the link into an HTML iframe
4. Share on as many social media sites as you can!
The final step is to send an email to your loved ones
1. At the top of the screen hover over the “Messages drop down box
2. Select “Compose Messages”
3. Select the message type of “Ask a friend to donate”
4. Choose your recipients
5. Customize your message
6. Hit “send message” at the bottom of the page